How to Photograph Your Walls
(1) Identify seven walls where you would consider displaying your portraiture.
(2) Tape a standard 8.5x11 piece of paper to the wall in approximate place you are considering for your new artwork.
(3) Stand to the back of the room, hold your phone flat (parallel) to the wall, and use the widest lens you have available to take a wide snapshot of the room that includes the wall.
It is preferable to take existing artwork off the wall, but not necessary.
In most cases, a horizontal photograph is preferable.
Don’t worry if your home is messy. These don’t need to be perfect.
You can bring your snapshots with on your phone, but we can be more respectful of your time if you email them at least one day in advance:
Stand far away to include as much room as possible, take the picture flat to the wall, and attach a standard size piece of paper to the wall (we’ve done it twice, here).
When we receive it, we crop in to just the right distance. The 8.5x11 paper calibrates the actual size of your wall.
Now the software is ready to allow you to see your artwork on the walls of your own home, and to select the most appropriate pieces and sizes.